From Randal McKenzie –

“I started McKenzie Illustrations in 1990. As an artist and anatomist I can easily grasp complex ideas, including surgical procedures and medical conditions to convey them in an easy to follow format. I have two basic styles: semi realistic (text book style) and a more simplistic cartoon style for communicating with a lay audience.

I am both a medical illustrator and anatomical consultant for medical animations, post graduate students, and PhD candidates. Specializing in high end medical and biological illustrations has always been a favorite of mine. I do however also work in realistic non-medical illustrations for a variety of graphic arts projects, including trip guides, advertisements, posters, food labels, real estate, and more.

Within the medical field, I have provided for a wide variety of medical illustration needs from stem cell research to new surgical procedures and medical devices.

  • Accurate anatomical illustrations and charts
  • Cutting edge images of stem cell matrices and tissue regeneration
  • Pharmaceuticals and mechanisms of action
  • Neurological, Cardiothoracic, and Orthopedic illustrations
  • Procedure illustrations including endoscopic and arthroscopic techniques
  • Scientific illustrations of new surgical tools and implements

The most common question I am asked is “why use medical illustrations or animations when we have photography?” The answer is simple. Photographs display only what the eye sees, while an illustration has the ability to communicate complex concepts at a glance, bringing ideas to life. Animation takes this one step further.

My work has been seen on ABC Nightline, ESPN, The Oprah Winfrey show, Fox News, the syndicated medical talk show The Doctors, Brain World, and Master Piece Theatre’s Sherlock Holmes series.

I have contributed to exhibits on display at the Carnegie Science Center, as well as several research institutes across the United States and abroad.

Over the years my work has been featured in over 2000 publications and has garnered hundreds of awards. My cover designs include the Trends in Biotechnology, Journal of Neurosurgery (Jan 2011), In Orbit! The Journeys of an Orbital Surgeon, by Dr. John Kennerdale MD, NIH Marfans Syndrome, by Dr. Reed Pyriets MD, PhD, and Neuroscience of Communication, by Dr. Donald Egolf.

Working within the medical and scientific community is a highly rewarding and gratifying experience. The job never gets dull. As medicine and science continue to grow so does the need for Medical Illustrations.”

Getting it Right for Your Project

With every assignment, Randal McKenzie is dedicated to getting it right for your project. That means working to your specifications and not charging for revisions. It means allowing appropriate lead times for your review and handling rush orders as effectively as possible.

Good customer service assures that every client has peace-of-mind in knowing their project will be completed on time and delivered “picture perfect.”

Awards, Publications, Links, and PDFs

Randal McKenzie’s work has earned hundreds of awards (over 500 since 1990) in radiology, neurosurgery, cardiothoracic, stem cell applications, nutrition factors, and more.

His work has been featured in venues as diverse as on ABC’s Nightline to illustrate obesity, on ESPN to illustrate head trauma, and on Dr. Oz to illustrate radical surgery.

For more information, visit our Publications page, Links page, and PDFs page.